Food Service

Ada Exempted Village School Lunch Menu
Parent Guide to Create PSC Account and Application
Free and reduced meals and make payments on meal acct and fees.
Public Release 11-13-24 :
ADA Exempted School District
725 W. North Ave
Ada, OH 45810
Name: Ann Hersey
Title: Director of Nutrition Services
Phone: 419-772-4312
Meals, foods and beverages sold or served at schools meet state and federal requirements which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines.
We provide students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.
Get on track to a new healthier's time to create your own personal nutrition and fitness plan using the new USDA SuperTracker. This new nutrition and fitness tracking tool combines good nutrition with a healthy dose of physical activity. Think of the SuperTracker as your very own personal trainer that helps you put together your personal health plan, setting personal health and fitness goals, and then tracks and coaches your progress. You can track what you eat, record minutes of exercise, watch your weight, and then best of all, track your progress through a series of easy to use graphical calculators and reports.