Military Families

Military Family Resources
Ada Exempted Village Schools appreciates and values the military families who live in our community. As a district, we understand that military youth go through unique circumstances and we want our community to know that we are here to help. The staff in our schools have experience in assisting military youth and their families. This page is designed to provide you with easy access links to a few of the resources. Please contact the School for additional support.
Ada Military Liaisons
Email Tim Vernik
Military Connected Student Identification Form
Are you a military member that has a student attending DACC? Fill out this form to enter your information. Your student's teachers will be notified and you will be included in future communication to DACC’s Military Families.
Helpful Links
Veterans Food Pantry of Northwest Ohio
Provides crucial support and resources along with a variety of programs for our American Veterans, Military families, and Survivors throughout Ohio. Our goal is to always honor and respect those who keep us safe and free.
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)
MCEC supports all military-connected children by educating, advocating, and collaborating to resolve education challenges associated with the military lifestyle.
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission:
The Interstate Compact provides information addressing key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.
Military One Source
A central hub and go-to-place for the military community. Provides information about military benefits, deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.
National Military Family Association
Provides information and resources related to services and programs for military families.
ODE - Supporting Ohio's Military Families
Information on a number of Ohio programs to assist military families.
Ohio Family Readiness and Warrior Support Program
The Family Readiness and Warrior Support programs are designed to teach Ohio’s Service Members and Families to be knowledgeable, aware of resources, adaptable, and networked to succeed and grow from the experiences unique to military culture. In addition to providing information, the programs provide a platform to meet and relate to other Service Members and Families who understand the challenges and experiences of military life.
Ohio Military Kids
A support network for military youth who experience a loved one's deployment. Provides recreational, social, and educational programs for military youth in civilian communities geographically dispersed throughout the state.
Our Military Kids
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to provide support and recognition to military children. Grants pay for participation in activities that help children cope with stress and anxiety while their parents are recovering or absent.
Real Warrior Campaign
A multimedia public awareness campaign designed to encourage help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds.
Sesame Workshop
Provides much-needed support and practical education through Talk, Listen, Connect, a multiphase outreach initiative to help young kids through deployments, combat-related injuries and the death of a loved one.
365 Pet Insurance
Resource list intended for pet parents who are in the military or are military veterans.
Pets for Vets
Pairs veterans with shelter dogs that are specially selected to match the veterans' personality.
Hardin County Veterans Service Office
Assists in making applications for benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), emergency financial assistance and information and guidance in obtaining aid from various federal, state and local organizations.
Folds of Honor
Folds of Honor Since 2007, the Folds of Honor has carried forth this singular, noble mission: To provide educational scholarship to spouses and children of America's fallen and disabled service members.
Ohio Higher Education for Veterans
Information and resources related to higher education for veterans, service members and their families.
The Recovery Village Columbus
List of resources for veterans’ addiction issues and underlying conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental health illnesses.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)
Caring for families of America's Fallen Heroes.
Veterans Crisis Line
Connects veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
Online study materials to help improve scores on standardized tests such as state exit exams, college entrance exams, military entrance exam (ASVAB) and others.
NCDA: Sites for Career Planning
Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter Military in the Search Resources box.
Ohio Means Jobs
This site was created to help employers find the right employees and job seekers to find great careers.
Employee Support of the Guard and Reserve
A Department of Defense office, ESGR is composed of dedicated and trained volunteers and staff. We will develop and promote employer support for Guard and Reserve service by advocating relevant initiatives, recognizing outstanding support, increasing awareness of applicable laws, and resolving conflict between employers and service members.
Military Impacted Schools Association
A national organization of school superintendents with a higher concentration of military students. Provides useful links for military families and educator resources.
The Purple Star Award
Recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.
Other Military Youth Event Resources
The Youth Program partners with Ohio Military Kids (4H) and throws camps and events for Military Connected Youth. Registration is open for Leadership Camp in Newark and Camp Kelley’s Island, check out the website to register
Veterans and Military families annual breakfast